

品牌 货号 产品名称 规格 价格 产品说明
Nippon Genetics LS21 FastGene Taq DNA Polymerase (500 U) Taq DNA聚合酶 500 U 571.00 详情
Nippon Genetics LS06 DNAreleasy Advance (1.5 ml, 50 rxns) 1.5 ml, 50 rxns 759.00 详情
Nippon Genetics LS05 DNAreleasy Advance (300 µl, 10 rxns) 300ul, 10 rxns 130.00 详情
Nippon Genetics KP91HG Thermopaper KP-91HG 1554.00 详情
Nippon Genetics ID1654 5x NA Loading Buffer (10 ml) 10 ml 510.00 详情
Nippon Genetics ID1531 10 x Running Buffer Tris-Borate-EDTA (500 ml) 500 ml 740.00 详情
Nippon Genetics ID1521 50x Running Buffer Tris-Acetate-EDTA (500 ml) 500 ml 759.00 详情
Nippon Genetics ID1501 10x Running Buffer Tris-Glycine-SDS (500 ml) 500 ml 703.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-QS1 Software for Gel Band quantification 8140.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GPG Amber Goggles 555.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-08LEDUP FastGene FAS-Digi Compact Upgrade Kit 31450.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-08LED FastGene FAS-Digi Compact 49765.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-07LED FastGene FAS-Digi PRO 2020 (with white light LED and Filter shield) with white light LED and Filter shield 65860.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-06LED FastGene FAS-Nano Geldoc System 12748.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GP-04LED FastGene Blue/Green GelPic LED Box 46707.00 详情
Nippon Genetics GM-HR Gel Maker Set Large for Mupid-One 2350.00 详情
Nippon Genetics FG-XmaI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xma I (500 U) 500 U 419.00 详情
Nippon Genetics FG-XhoI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xho I (5000 U) 5000 U 294.00 详情
Nippon Genetics FG-XbaI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xba I (3000 U) 3000 U 377.00 详情
Nippon Genetics FG-Tth111I FastGene Restriction Enzyme Tth111 I (400 U) 400 U 377.00 详情
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:LS21
产品名称:FastGene Taq DNA Polymerase (500 U) Taq DNA聚合酶
规格:500 U 价格:571.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:LS06
产品名称:DNAreleasy Advance (1.5 ml, 50 rxns)
规格:1.5 ml, 50 rxns 价格:759.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:LS05
产品名称:DNAreleasy Advance (300 µl, 10 rxns)
规格:300ul, 10 rxns 价格:130.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:KP91HG
产品名称:Thermopaper KP-91HG
规格: 价格:1554.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:ID1654
产品名称:5x NA Loading Buffer (10 ml)
规格:10 ml 价格:510.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:ID1531
产品名称:10 x Running Buffer Tris-Borate-EDTA (500 ml)
规格:500 ml 价格:740.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:ID1521
产品名称:50x Running Buffer Tris-Acetate-EDTA (500 ml)
规格:500 ml 价格:759.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:ID1501
产品名称:10x Running Buffer Tris-Glycine-SDS (500 ml)
规格:500 ml 价格:703.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-QS1
产品名称:Software for Gel Band quantification
规格: 价格:8140.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GPG
产品名称:Amber Goggles
规格: 价格:555.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-08LEDUP
产品名称:FastGene FAS-Digi Compact Upgrade Kit
规格: 价格:31450.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-08LED
产品名称:FastGene FAS-Digi Compact
规格: 价格:49765.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-07LED
产品名称:FastGene FAS-Digi PRO 2020 (with white light LED and Filter shield)
规格:with white light LED and Filter shield 价格:65860.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-06LED
产品名称:FastGene FAS-Nano Geldoc System
规格: 价格:12748.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GP-04LED
产品名称:FastGene Blue/Green GelPic LED Box
规格: 价格:46707.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:GM-HR
产品名称:Gel Maker Set Large for Mupid-One
规格: 价格:2350.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:FG-XmaI
产品名称:FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xma I (500 U)
规格:500 U 价格:419.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:FG-XhoI
产品名称:FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xho I (5000 U)
规格:5000 U 价格:294.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:FG-XbaI
产品名称:FastGene Restriction Enzyme Xba I (3000 U)
规格:3000 U 价格:377.00
品牌:Nippon Genetics 货号:FG-Tth111I
产品名称:FastGene Restriction Enzyme Tth111 I (400 U)
规格:400 U 价格:377.00
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